Thursday, 28 December 2017

A Difficult Year

2017 has been very not great.

There were the two failed driving tests, tests 3 & 4, which were probably worse than tests 1 & 2.

I sliced through my finger cutting a bread roll, managing to sever the tendon, nerve and artery. I had surgery, and six weeks off work. My finger is still numb and doesn't completely straighten.

My father has become a conspiracy theorist.

We didn't get pregnant for the whole year. This may have fulfilled the criteria for "please, no more miscarriages" but no, thank you. This was more annoying somehow.

My husband struggled with his new job role. The one we were so excited to get. Then he broke his foot, spent 8 weeks recovering, and still hasn't really regained full mobility.

We all fell in love with a dog, and then were told that we couldn't adopt her after all.

My father in law was diagnosed with aggressive throat cancer.

A good and wonderful friend died, suddenly, unexpectedly, and through no fault of his own.

It's been a tough year - and so many things all together, all at once, testing us, I suppose.

But 2018 appears to be on the up. Some little things which have happened in December just seem to be hinting that we might be doing okay after all.

First, we found a new flat which we love, which is available, in our budget and in a perfect location. There was some uncertainty over the financing but in the end we got it - signed and paid, it's ours.

Father in law got the all-clear, almost miraculously fast. God bless the NHS. Unfortunately nobody can convince him to stop chain smoking.

We have a budget which should work for us. Working to make that more manageable and get on with our lives without panicking about money.

And then this. Just a little piece of hope. Our first step. We don't normally get far, so we're trying hard not to get to attached to this idea, but oh, I hope so, and so far the signs are good. I've never had such a strong line before, and certainly not so early. Every day since then I've been sick and tired. I haven't had any bleeding. We have an appointment tomorrow which should hopefully clarify status, after which we may tell family, but for now it's our family secret and hope into 2018.

Happy new year, everyone.